Saturday, August 17, 2013

Barbell Front Raises

Barbell Front Raises
Stand with your legs slightly spread. Take an overhand grip on the barbell and rest the barbell on your thighs. Keep your back straight and your abdominals contracted:
- Inhale and raise the barbell forward with your arms straight until it reaches eye level
- Exhale as you complete the movement

This exercise works the anterior deltoids, upper pectorals, infra-spinatus and, to a lesser extent, the trapezius, serratus anterior, and short head of the biceps. If you raise the barbell higher, you also stress the posterior delotids. Doing so intensifies the work of the other muscles. The same exercise can be performed with a low pulley machine while facing away from the machine with the cable running between your legs.

Note: every front raise arm exercise places secondary emphasis on the biceps.


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