Specific Words in Fitness

Abdomen - The part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis.

Abduction - The action of taking away or moving a limb away from the midline of the body.

Abnormal curvature of the spine - See lordosis and kyphosis.

Acetabulum - The cup-shaped socket in the hibone.

Achilles tendon - The strong tendon joining the muscles in the calf of the leg to the bone of the heel.

Adduction - The action of drawing toward, when a limb moves toward the midline of the body.

Amphiarthorsis - A condition that allows limited motion.

Anatomy - A branch of morphology that deals with the structure of organism.

Aponeurosis - Any of the thicker and denser of the deep fasciare that cover, invest, and form the terminations and attachments of various muscles and differ from tendons in being broad, flat and thin.

Apophysis - A visible projecting part of a bone.

Benches - A wide variety of exercise benches available for use in doing barbell and dumbbell exercises either lying or seated on a bench.

Biomechanics - The scientific study of body positions, or form, is sport. In bodybuilding, biomechanics studies body form when exercising with weight.

Brachial (from Latin brachium, "arm") - Of or relating to the arm.

Capsule (from Latin capsula, "small box") - A membrane or sac enclosing a body part.

Cardiovascular - Of, relating to, or involving the heart and blood vessels.

Cartilage - A translucent elastic tissue that composes most of the skeleton.

Coccyx (from Greek kokkyx, "cuckoo") - The end of the spinal column beyond the sacrum (see sacrum)

Concentric muscular action - A type of muscular contraction characterized by tension being developed while the muscle is shortening (e.g., the upward phase of a biceps curl).

Condyle (from Greek condylus, "knuckle") - An articular prominence of a bone.

Coracoid (from Greek korax, "raven") - Of, relating to, or being a process of the scapula or a well-developed cartilage bone that extends from the scapula to or toward the sternum.

Coracoid apophysis - An expanded part of the upper edges of the scapula.

Coxal - Of or relating to the hip.

Crunch - Type of exercise that works the abdominals.

Dipping bars - Parallel bars set high enough above the floor to allow you to dip between them, perform leg raises for your abdominals, and perform a variety of other exercises.

Epicondyle - Apophysis of the upper extremity of the humerus (see apophysis).

Fascia (from Latin facia, "band, bandage") - A sheet of connective tissue covering or binding together body structures.

Fascicle - A bundle of anatomical fibers.

Femur (from Latin femur, "thigh") - The proximal bone of the hind of lower limb.

Good morning - type of exercise that invovles bending forward at the waist.

Hip - The laterally projecting region of each side of the lower or posterior part of the trunk formed by the lateral parts of the pelvis and upper part of the femur together with the fleshy parts covering them.

Humerus (from Latin humerus, "shoulder") - The long bone of the upper arm extending from the shoulder to the elbow.

Iliopsoas - The two muscles that flex the thigh: specifically, the psoas major and the iliacus.

Insertion - The par of a muscle or ligament that inserts on a bone.

Intervertebral disk - Any of the though elastic disks that are interposted between the centra of adjoining vertebrae (see slipped disk).